Commercial REAP Solar Grant Program
What is the USDA Solar REAP Program and how do I know if I qualify?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is a Grant and Guaranteed Loan Program for Rural Agriculture and Small Businesses seeking energy efficiency and renewable energy systems. REAP Eligible Communities are for rural towns with less than 50,000 population.
Energy Communities may cross within REAP Eligible Communities, meaning that REAP Eligible ag and small businesses will not only be eligible for the REAP Grant, but also the Investment Tax Credit EC Adders.
Commercial Businesses and Agriculture producers in rural communities can integrate on-site solar, fully subsidized by the US Department of Agriculture's Rural Energy for America Program seamlessly with Clean Earth Management. Tap into more than $680M in USDA grant funding for your solar project, and eliminate on-site electricity costs by 90%+ in as fast as 3 years.
Case Studies
Solar Panels for Dairy Farm
Coming soon
Solar Solutions for Fowl Farm
Coming soon
Sustainable Energy for Nurseries
Coming Soon
Next Generation of Solar for Smarter Farming
Choosing to adopt rural and agricultural solar solutions with Clean Earth means partnering with a leader in sustainable energy innovation committed to enhancing productivity and reducing operational costs for farms across the United States.
Our team combines cutting-edge solar technology with expert knowledge of local incentives to provide bespoke solar systems that align with your unique needs, ensuring maximum environmental and economic efficiency.
With a proven track record of boosting farm profitability while promoting environmental stewardship, we stand as the trusted choice for farmers and small businesses looking to harness the power of the sun to drive their operations forward.
Join us in powering the next generation with clean energy.
Notable U.S. Department of Agriculture REAP Resource Links
Learn about USDA REAP qualifying measures and eligibility areas
What REAP solutions does Clean Earth offer?
We qualify you at no-cost for the REAP Grant Solar Program, and then we connect you directly with the installer and financier of your project for successful grant acceptance, and project engineering, procurement and construction.
How do I know if my business is qualified for REAP?
As long as you have an on-site legal entity conducting business at your property and are deemed a small business that is located in a REAP community and can pass underwriting approval, you'll be eligible for the REAP Grant and a Small Business Loan to finance your project.
Where can you place the panels for my solar project?
We can place the solar system on an unobstructed south, east or west-facing roof, or an unobstructed location on the ground. We advise keeping your system placed within 100-200 feet of your meter as much as possible to reduce costs.
How long is contract to install?
Unlike the traditional contract-to-install timeline where funds are issued directly to the EPC, REAP Solar Grants are scored and awarded on a quarterly basis. This means your project installation timeline can take 1-2 fiscal quarters (3-6 months) longer than traditionally-financed projects. The upside of waiting this extra time is being awarded a Grant that covers up to 50% of your solar project, so REAP is still a win-win-win! No down payment, no hefty investment cost, and no more rising utility costs!
Who is maintaining my solar system if something goes wrong?
Your contracted EPC will always provide long-term operations and maintenance and will offer you a custom price based on your system size and equipment utilized. Your project will also come with manufacturer's and labor warranties just like any solar project.
Is there a catch to all of this?
The caviat is that not every business will qualify, and that USDA is very specific and thorough with documenting your grant for acceptance, so we kindly ask for your patience in the early-stage approval process as we will be extensively working together to collect necessary REAP intake documents to get your project accepted by USDA!
If you meet all of the qualifications, there is no catch! There is currently $680M in USDA Funding for the REAP Solar Grant, do not miss out if you are a rural small business or agriculture producer!
Get a REAP Solar Project Payoff Report Today
This is it. The solar solution you've finally been waiting for. We're here to help power your business into the next generation.