Leading the Charge in Large-Scale Decarbonization
Clean Earth Renewables digitally connects commercial real estate owners and commercial tenants to clean energy savings tools that help achieve decarboniztion strategies and optimize utility portfolios.
Save up to 60% on your electricity supply costs!
No rooftop panels, no contract, no sign-up fees, no cancellation. Win-Win-Win-Win!
Who We Serve
Our corporate partners rely on us for innovative clean energy savings tools, ensuring a sustainable future. Join the clean energy transition today by supporting Community Solar with Clean Earth Renewables!
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Savings vary by state & susbcriber type
Community Solar Frequently Asked Questions
Is my business eligible for Community solar?
If you’re in a community solar eligible utility, your business may qualify. Each utility has different requirements for eligible rate classes and usage, so we’ll need to evaluate each opportunity individually. If you’re interested in checking availability with our team, fill out the form and a member of our team will connect with you right away and let you know if a solar farm is available.
If I have a business account, do I have to pay my power bill through the solar farm developer's billing platform?
How you pay your power bills on a community solar program depends on rules laid out by your state and your utility. Businesses in some utility areas can join a local solar farm without paying any bills through the solar farm developer's billing platform. This is known as Utility Consolidated Billing, or “UCB”. This option is available to commercial accounts in Illinois, New York and Virginia.
Businesses in other areas can maintain their current line of payment with their utility, but they will need to pay an additional bill with the solar farm developer's billing platform. This is known as “Dual Billing”, and is available in Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York.
Yet a third option exists where businesses can opt to pay only one bill through their solar farm developer's billing platform, who will then send remittance to the utility. This option is known as Developer Consolidated Billing, or “DCB”. This option is available in Delaware, New Mexico, Maryland, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, Illinois, Colorado, New Jersey, and New York. If you have a business in one of these utility territories and would like to learn more about joining our community solar program, please fill out this form and we'll connect with you right away and let you know if a solar farm is available in your service territory.
What if I have more than one business utility bill?
We welcome business of all shapes and sizes, including those with multiple utility bills (yup, even across multiple utilities!). If you will be using the same form of payment for all your utility bills, we can nestle them under one Billing Platform account for you. If you’d like the flexibility to have different properties pay with different payment methods, we’d recommend having one Billing Platform account per payment method.
Where is Community Solar available?
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Mexico